Strong Studio Designs
5455 Castle Knoll Road, La Canada, CA 91011
Phone: 818-957-0086 | Fax: 818-957-0087

A dog sitting on the steps of a house.


The spaces we can create together are clear reflections of who you are and where you’ve been.  They are templates for the places you will go, the people you will entertain, the friends and family that will fill your memories.



And while they are all of that, you are looking at the daunting task of making it so. That is why I am here with sharpened pencils, a funny bone, resources and rolls of experience. In 36 years, the Strong Studio Designs journey has galloped through auction houses, design centers, thrift shops, salvage yards, warehouses, lumber yards, shipping docks, stone yards, travel logs, and convention halls.

A dog is laying on the bed and sleeping.
A dog laying on the floor with its head down.


Whether you want to redo what you have or move away from it, the first step is to attract the right help. Let have a chat about who and what that is for you. Vacation home, next-to-last or last home, let’s explore the journey that ends at home.

Quality is not an act, it’s a habit. — Aristotle
A black and white picture of an ornate design.